Saturday, December 26, 2009

A Poem on Africa's Strength


It is not by raising Africa to the level of the West that we African can answer the world’s Invitation. It is not by endowing Africa with every material good that we shall grow.
It is not by integrating Africa into the world of commerce that we shall hand over to the world what Destiny asks of us.
Certainly Africa must be modernized and, as quickly as possible, Africa must be enriched.
We must work for that with all our strength, not with any ambition to equal or compete with the west, but so that these goods maybe a cloak to cover us as we go forward to build up a renewed humanism.
This cloak must cover our own hearts.
Our conception of ubuntu (Human qualities)
Our love for ubuvyeyi (parental dignity)
Our practice of ubuntungare (nobility of origin)
Our sense of ubutungane (Integrity)
The respect of Imana (God)- our father’s legacy to us.
Let us throw ourselves into such a commitment.
There is not time to lose.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Know who your friends are...makes life simple

"Some people come into your life for a lifetime, some come for a season. You got to know which is which. You're gonna always mess up when you mix them seasonal people up with lifetime expectations."- Madea
She definitely said it best.....
Friends are the best assets anyone can have. There are pretty much three categories of friends. At least as I found applying to my life. The social friends, the occasional friends, and the great friends. My friend Kevin put the categories in better KFC terms: There are the Original, the Crispy, and the Grilled. Well, as named, the group in each category narrows down as one goes from one to the other...until you reach a point where you can count on your friends on one hand.
Social friends/Original friends, or what I would call seasonal friends are just that. You see them when you go out. In this instance, I have school friends, work friends, school friends, and salsa friends. These are the people that you put a happy face for, you are never you, because you don't trust them, and in return, they probably do not trust you. They are fun to be around, they make you feel to a certain degree like you belong to a very unique 'club' (and I use that term lightly). Now with these seasonal friends, there are two categories....those you nod to, and those you kiss on the cheek when you see them out. The nodders will be the people you've had maybe one or two conversations with. Those are the ones you smile at, and well, wave too. But anything closer, is speculative. Then they are the ones that you kiss on the cheek. These friends are close to you, to a certain extent. They might know superficial details about you, like your name, where you are from, sometimes they may even know as much as what kind of job you have. They will know who you "seem" close to. In the dance scene, these are the ones who sometimes seek you to dance, and sometimes they will be aloof. There is no contract between you, there are no bounds, therefore, it is quiet okay for them to be on one end of the dance floor, and you on the other. Alert: Do not confuse these social friends for friends. You might see them all the time, but what you have is a superficial relationship. Do not expect to find yourself in their foto albums, and vice versa. Most importantly, you might feel like you are close, and have a good connection, but if they do not have your phone number, or at least your email, then hang out with them, have fun...and at the end of the night, go home, and wait till the next time you meet.
OCCASIONAL friends (Crispy) are the most confusing. you see like the branches on a tree, they can break any time. Some of them do not, but some of them do. Occasional friends has two categories, and an extra category which is bound to be a breaking branch. The first two categories are the call-me-when-you-go-out and the see-you-when-I-see you. the extra category is the dating. the first subcategory is of those friends who have you phone number, and well, they seem to watch your facebook updates too. you are close but not that close. Once in a while, you will go to someone's house and party. But with these friends, there are not dinners,unless they come after a night of dancing. You can get drinks together, but even that comes once every blue moon. The second subcategory is a complicated one. These friends well, you are great together....but that is if you ever go out together. You start out being the best of friends, but eventually, if you lose interest in what you have in common, then you probably will not see them again. For example, these are the friends that you probably used to go dancing with a lot, and as long as you maintained their tempo, you were fine. You guys become a clique, and eventually, you might be recognized not as you, but as part of that group. However, the moment you step back a bit, those friends are not the great group you were. It becomes an occasional thing. In fact, if you do not make the effort to see them, well, then that's that. A good example is the college scene. Friends you had for four years, and you were great, you did everything together, called each other EVERYDAY...even when you knew you were going to see each other sometime that day. then you graduate, and that becomes the end of that. You become something of a good memory, and a once-in-a while call. then there are the dating material...these dart between being seasonal and being casual. You can trust them, but there is a point of holding back, as they are what might be a broken or breaking branch. Some of them stay and become your occasional friends, but some disappear. But some end up fitting in the third category.
Alert:These friends are not really casual, but neither is it something serious. If you were dying, they would not give you their kidney if you needed it, and if you were in a financial bind, they are definately not the ones to go to. (although I should say that, there are some in this group that might take you out and get you obliliated if you had a bad day). It is important to note that you cannot let yourself be upset about them not being there for you. As far as they are concerned, you are not that close. Don't be mad if they won't call you when you are sick, or check on you if they haven't heard from you in a week. Or don't remember your birthday. That is putting too much expectation on what is just a casual friendship.
The Greats (Grilled-cause they are good for you) are few, and very treasured. Or they should be treasured. They are great, they are wonderful. You trust them with your life and they do the same. They take you for who you are, and not for who they believe or want you to be. In a way, the great friends are like the socialist motto: each to his own ability. They give you their time, their space, they let you in, and you give what you have. It is a not a match of equality. It is a match of mutual respect and love for each other.
Some of these greats turn out to be your significant others...but most of all, these are the ones that you can be yourself around. No pretenses, no facades. There are few in these category. If you find three solid ones, then you are the most blessed of persons.
Alert: it is easy to take them for granted, so make sure you don't. Pay attention to their needs, and help when you can....that would be the base of stronger years, and maybe decades together.

***You have to come to terms with who your friends are, and what they do in your life. Confusing these friendships and expecting more from seasonals or Casuals will hurt you eventually. So know who your friends are, and most importantly, do not forget to love those who love you.

Some people are like leaves on a tree. The wind blows, they over there. They unstable. Blows the other way, they over here. Seasons change, they wither and die, they gone. That's alright. Most people in the world are like that. They just there to take from the tree. They there to take and give shade every now and then. That's all they can do. But don't get mad at em, that's who they are. Some people are like a branch on that tree. You gotta be careful with them branches too cause they'll fool you. They'll get there and make you think they a good friend and real strong, but the minute you step out there on em, they'll break and leave you high and dry. But if you find you two or three people in your life that's like the roots at the bottom of the tree, you are blessed. They're the kind of people that ain't goin nowhere. They ain't worried about bein seen, don't nobody have to know that they know you, they ain't got to know what they doin for you. But if them roots wasn't there that tree couldn't live. You understand? When you get you some roots hold on to em. But the rest of it you let it go.- Madea

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Birthday Burst

i hear that this is the one day that you are supposed to be happy, and do WHATEVER you want!
well, I gues I missed that memo. I turned )*&)* years old, and I really felt like that day passed me by. There were papers, and just about every busy thing I could do that day was not enough to keep me entertained.
You see, I discovered that on this birthday, I am absolutely not one to step on people's toes. It is something that I should probably be happy about, but that is also disturbing. I let two people ruin my birthday for me. It was my fault off course, as they had a right to celebrate their birthdays, 20 times if they wished. Now, I can throw a tantrum and say that they were selfish, but I set myself for that. I accepted to celebrate my birthday at a place that I knew there was a potential disaster looming. So I put on a happy face, smiled, and sucked it up. (It is good to be raised to do that...comes in handy)
So how selfish are we supposed to be on our birthdays?
Should we become so obsessed with it, that we can only enjoy it if it is by our terms?
I mean, it is so sad that I had to suck it up on the one day that I should have been "queen for a day" lol...okay that is pushing it a bit. But that was the one day of the year that I feel entitled a bit to sleep all day if I wanted too.
Let me end this note by say or rather clarifying that, my whole Birthday was not a burst. There were good my friend Chris taking me out for breakfast and giving me truffles. (Which is exactly what I needed after a stressful time with the papers.)
I did take myself to the spa...cost me a penny, but it was worth the trip. Relaxed, got a massage....and had a blast.
Did I mention that my friend took me to breakfast?
I have to say, I have the most fabulous friends ever. I do, and it might a bit biased, but I gues you would have to meet them.
They even had a whole trip but we were snowed in. Instead they took me to dinner and dancing. Then took me to breakfast....actually, the term we like to use is 'kidnapped". All the way to Queens for IHOP. Okay word to the Beuros, we need more IHOPs in NYC.
anyways, I loved it. and I was happy.....

Maybe it was not that my birthday sucked,. it is that the day that did not turn out to be what I had made it to be.
So there you go, we disappoint ourselves all the time. Fancy that. We make a day so big, and build it up to be something that sometimes doesn't pan out to be that.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

THe absence of Evidence is not evidence of absence

In other words, just because you can't see it doesn't mean that its not there. This used to be the case, I would say ages and ages ago, however, lately that has changed. Science has convinced everybody that it the end of all things. Therefore, if it is not science, and you cannot prove it, then it is not true, it does not exist. Its no wonder people are getting depressed, and getting in what I would call "a state of Kappoot". Have we become so stupid? Have we become so mechanical? soon enough, we might actually become like the robots we are trying to emulate.

Look at the arguments presented against the Bible, and Christianity. Or should I say, arguments against Christianity based on the Bible. New archaeological and other types of discoveries are being made all the time that support the truth of the Bible. The phrase you quote simply means that just because we can't presently prove something from the Bible with physical evidence, it doesn't mean that such evidence does not exist, it may simply mean that we have not yet discovered it.

This term is used as a counter-argument to many who try to argue illogically that because something has not been discovered apart from its mention in the Bible it therefore is not true. This is stated in summary form as 'absence of evidence is evidence of absence.' The assumption behind this is that the Bible is a lot of 'campfire tales' and 'Mythology' and where it tells of people they are far removed from the events and so cannot know of what they speak with any accuracy.
However, there now have been many archaeological discoveries made which verify historical, lifestyle and other details from the Biblical records. The fact that these had not yet been discovered did not make the Bible any more or less true than it was before. All that can be logically concluded when there is no extra-biblical evidence yet available is that there is no extra-biblical evidence yet available on a particular subject.

We are willing to accept that things did not exist until they were discovered. I mean, the world was flat before it was round. There were no planets until scientists figure it out that they existed....maybe it is just me...but are we getting stupid?

Friday, November 13, 2009


This is the mission statement of this organization:

You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you're part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.

We live in a difficult world, a broken world. My friend Byron is very smart - he says that life is hard for most people most of the time. We believe that everyone can relate to pain, that all of us live with questions, and all of us get stuck in moments. You need to know that you're not alone in the places you feel stuck.

We all wake to the human condition. We wake to mystery and beauty but also to tragedy and loss. Millions of people live with problems of pain. Millions of homes are filled with questions – moments and seasons and cycles that come as thieves and aim to stay. We know that pain is very real. It is our privilege to suggest that hope is real, and that help is real.

You need to know that rescue is possible, that freedom is possible, that God is still in the business of redemption. We're seeing it happen. We're seeing lives change as people get the help they need. People sitting across from a counselor for the first time. People stepping into treatment. In desperate moments, people calling a suicide hotline. We know that the first step to recovery is the hardest to take. We want to say here that it's worth it, that your life is worth fighting for, that it's possible to change.

I love this . I love the simplicity of it. and the fact that it offers hope and truth.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Lord and Savior

I woke up this morning with a full hour of worship. I was listening to Damita Haddon's song and I was reminded of why I am who I am.
I love the Lord. I do, I love him more than anything or anyone. Sure I love to dance, I love to write, I Love going out. I love to cook...I love a lot of things....but nothing has taken precedence to my Love for God.
He found me in my darkest place and rescued me. I am blessed beyond measure. Ask my siblings, they are a testimony as to what God has done in my life.
He is the secret of my joy and my happiness.
I did not find him, He found me. and I truly love him.
People can call it whatever they want, but I know that I would not make it without Him.
I am sold hook line and sinker.

I’ve fallen in love with a man
I love his character, his personality
He has swept me off my feet
I have fallen with his heart, passion
I’ve loved him all my life, but well
I didn’t know just how much I cared

I’ve fallen in love with a man
Who does not expect anything from me
A man who doesn’t want my sacrifice
A man who doesn’t need me to
Offer my body as a sign of my love
I’ve fallen in love with man
Who loves me because I am me
He doesn’t require my perfection
Even though he is perfection itself
Neither does he require my sacrificial
Abandonment, for he rather suffer than see me do so.
All he has asked of me is my love
I thought I loved him, but now
If find am passionately in love with him
I have fallen in love with a man
Who holds me when I cry many nights
He understands me and awaits me
As I ran to other men looking for love
and He awaits me as I ran back to him in tears
I am stuck on a man who is willing to accept me
And stubbornly loves me even when I reject him
he pursues me, passionately so gentle
I have fallen for a man so beautiful
He takes my breath away
With him beside me, I want it all
To be a better person, a better woman
He has given me a passion as a calling
Fight injustices and love the unloved
With Him, I have found my true calling
I have fallen in love with a man
His name is Jesus

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reinesance and Reformation look at beauty

It is almost unimaginable to think that two periods could have such an effect on the Western Culture, but the Reformation and the Renaissance changed the culture and brought the west to a new order. While the Renaissance focussed on humanism and shaped ideas of beauty, the Reformation changed perceptions on authority, especially in the church.

Beauty in the Western Culture

Beauty is a very important aspect in the Western culture. Females will spend a chunk of time in front of mirror putting on make-up, in an attempt to look presentable. Some will go to through the trouble of changing their appearance by having surgery to have the ideal face or body. The Renaissance was the rebirth of the medieval period, where they brought back the Greek and Roman idealism. They focused on humanism where they explored mankind’s most creative, intellectual, spiritual and artistic parts. Morals degraded and they were concerned about themselves; instead of focussing on God.

One of the things that artists at that time explored was beauty. During this time, the images changed from Madonna (Mary, mother of Jesus), to Venus, the goddess of love. Painters started making humans real by using different colors and shades. While women were painted in their full figure, they were portrayed without any flows and with a certain mystery. A good example is Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The woman, although not a Venus, has a sense of beauty that shines through her smile. The mystery of it is there is no explanation in the painting why she seems happy and content. Another good depiction of the change of perception on beauty is The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. This was such a change from the Sistine Madonna by Raphael. The morals seemed to change where a woman’s beauty used to be a very private issue. Women seemed to be encouraged to explore their beauty. They were encouraged to explore their body and instead of hiding behind the males, make a broad statement and come out of their “shell” that had been created by the Gothic age. Nudity, which had been almost a taboo especially in the arts, became a very open issue and was portrayed in both paintings and sculptures. Obsession with physical beauty and having a certain weight is not a new idea for this culture. In paintings, physical beauty was emphasized and the ideal woman was the one with curves and could get in certain dress sizes. Nevertheless, while the media continues to influence the ideals on beauty in the Western culture, the roots are in the arts found during the renaissance.

The authority in the Reformation

Today, in most countries executive decisions are not made by one person. Even the churches have a governing body that oversees functions of certain church district. In the Western Culture, it is very hard to find centralized control, where one man is making the decisions that will effect a population of people. The Reformation played a big role on bringing about democracy. According to the authors of World history since 1500: The Age of Global Integration, “The Reformation was closely associated with the formation of powerful national states in Western Europe…” (Upshur, Terry, Holoka, Goff, Cassar, 372)

Although this was not the beginning of the strong nations, this brought on a change in the way that the power was shared. Very specifically was the change in the Church. The Roman Catholic Church was basically ruling England, since the catholic beliefs were imposed on the political life of the state. However, with the reformation came the end of papacy. Significantly, there was an apparent change when Henry broke from the Catholic Church and Elizabeth restored the Anglican Church. This allowed the Protestant reformation to flourish in England. Through this, the Council of Trent was formed, which was among the first church council to be created. Today, we see how this has changed governmental operations today. The separation of Church and state originated from here. In addition, the Protestant reformation brought on the idea of denominations, which we still have today. Now, Church councils and distribution of power is common in a churches and governments.

In the changes brought about by the Reformation and the Renaissance, we can find disadvantages and disadvantages. For example, presently we have a skewed image of beauty. What does it mean to be beautiful? Is it the make up, the perfect face, the ideal body or having the least possible amount of clothing on? However, beauty is neither covering your whole body nor being naïve about your body. Every woman needs to find their own beauty, without the influence of the media. Change is inevitable; however, we do not need to violate our morals in order to conform to society.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Song of the day

amally maak
We law hata ba eed any,
Fe alby hawak.

Tamally maak
tamally fe baly we fe alby
Wala bansak
Tamally waheshny,
Law hata bakoon wayak.

Tamally maak
We law hata ba eed any
Fe alby hawak.

Tamally maak
Tamally fe baly we fe alby
Wala bansak
Tamally waheshny,
Low hata bakoon wayak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally maak
Maak alby, maak rohy
Ya aghla habib
Ya aghla habib.

We mahma tekoon baeed any
Le alby areeb.
Ya omry el gai wel hader,
Ya ahla naseeb.

Tamally maak(maaaak)
Maak alby, maak omry
Ya aghla habib
Ya aghla habib

We mahma tekoon baeed any
Le alby areeb.
Ya omry el gai wel hader,
Ya ahla naseeb.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.


Always with me
And even when you're away from me
Your love is in my heart.

Always with me
Always on my mind and in my heart
And I never forget you
Always missing you
Even when you're with me.

Always with me
And even when you're away from me
Your love is in my heart.

Always with me
Always on my mind and in my heart
And I never forget you
Always missing you
Even when you're with me.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

Always with me
You have my heart, you have my soul
My dearest love,
My dearest love,

And no matter how far away you are
You're close to my heart,
My future, my present
My most beautiful destiny.

Always with me
You have my heart, you have my life
My dearest love,
My dearest love,

And no matter how far away you are
You're close to my heart,
My future, my present
My most beautiful destiny.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

Monday, October 19, 2009

One Day...

When I first saw you, I was afraid of to talk to you
After talking to you, I was fearful of liking you
I liked you so much that I was afraid of losing my heart
But I lost my heart, and the greatest of all, I lost you

Here I am lamenting of what could have been
How is it that even though you are so close to me,
You are still so distant from my arms and my heart
And no matter how much I try, I can’t bring you back

I miss you-such simple words yet they repulse me
It used to be just you and me, what a loss now
I would never ask you because you would never tell me
You never loved me, that I know so well now

They have said if you can’t get someone out of you head
Maybe they are supposed to be there forever
But now, I wish I could stop thinking of you all the time,
And how good you made me feel, when you were with me

I know I was not easy to love, but could you have tried,
I gave you my heart, and hurt myself in the process
I hate the feeling I have, because even though you hurt me
I cannot bring my self to hate you, as am told I should

How can I stop crying every time I think of you
When the thoughts of you are they that bring me tears?
How can I stop wishing for peace of mind?
When the one who can bring me peace is so far away?

I have stopped thinking of you and dreaming of you,
Because those thoughts and dreams have become so empty.
It is not missing you that breaks my fragile heart
But the thought that I once held you in my arms kill me

Now I am saying goodbye, goodbye to your memories
One day you will love me but I wont be there to see it
One day you will cry over me but I wont be there for it
One day you will want me back and I won’t want you

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A woman's dilemma

I don't think anyone knows the original writer...but I found this interesting
1. The nice men are ugly.

2. The handsome men are not nice.

3. The handsome and nice men are gay.

4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.

5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.

6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are
only after their money.

7. The handsome men without money are after our money.

8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think
we are beautiful enough.

9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and
have money, are cowards.

10. The men who are somewhat handsome, somewhat nice and have some money and
thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!

11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.


Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's

a woman's job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into
something you'd like to have dinner with...

thought this was funny

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Being poetic

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Who said relationships had to be complicated

I am not going to claim that I am a relationship guru. Not even by a long shot.
But I wonder, does it always have to be all games?
Is there a honest person? an honest relationship?

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Salsa Dancing

It has become common knowledge that I love to dance. My recent obsession is Latin dancing. While Merengue and Bachata requires little skill to master, I have been concentrating on salsa most of the time. Yes yes, I can salsa, and I am decent at it.
it has been two years, and now I have come to either become tired of salsa, (might be the guys that I am meeting there) or maybe I am ready to move on to my other Passion...Argentianian Tango. But I am holding this off until I probably have a guy who I will be comfortable prancing and doing all those lifts and drags on the floor. (Okay so those are not the technical terms for them)

Someone should warn people that salsa dancing is dangerous. At the moment, the big toe of my left foot has lost half of its nail. Did i hear painful? yup, prett much.
I want to tell you stories of nights where I have gone from work, and straight to hours of salsa, and then had to wake up the next morning to go to work. Early in the morning. After I graduated, I decided that it had to stop at going out five days a week to maybe three times a week. I do enjoy the rush, the thrill of all of it...but I think I need to maybe not go out so much anymore.
Salsa fashion has been a problem for me. Coming from a family where my mom taught me to never go out unless i look my best, I have had to relearn this lesson, or rather twik it a bit. Salsa does not allow for fashion much....and most of the time I am pushing it.
You see, in the beginning it used to be that i had to go out looking super cute. Since I was not a good dancer, I had to look cute, for the guys to take pity on the cute girl seating down moving her feet to the music but no partner. Now, that I can hold my own on the floor, I am faring much better. Except now, I can't really be all dressed because sweat is the result of holding your own on the floor.
Oh, did I mention that in the last couple of months, three pairs of jeans have ripped mysteriously! I cannot explain it, and I don't know if I want. the humiliation of it is not something I might want to speak of.

I am sure there will be more of this...since it seems I have nothing better to do these days other than salsa dance!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Something to Prove

I have a very low tolerance for stupidity carried out as intelligence. Which is probably the source of my irritation at the moment.
Maybe it is because today is friday, and I feel literally like crap. And on top of that, I am tired.
Anyhow, for a span of two weeks, I was part of this blog...righteously titled "We WANT TRUTH". Now I should probably preface this by saying that while I respect young minds and our ability to ask the most annoying questions, the authors seems to have focused on one particular truth "Christian bashing". Off course if you ask them...they are seeking truth. But you have to wonder, what kind of truth comes from belittling other people's belief.
My undoing was yesterday evening. Sometime before I went to bed around 11, I did my routine final check on blogs, and imagine my surprise on the picture. I won't even post it here, because besides it being very rude, it was crude. So I resigned from my post as a contributor of the blog.
I was called a quitter and off course apparently quitting is for losers.

Anyways, I have been thinking about this all day. I love to blog...but even this privilege of free speech comes with a high responsibility. My colleagues in that namely blog seem to think that mind diarrhea is permissible. As people in general, we have to be careful of the message we put out there. It is okay to be a hothead and want all the glory that goes with blogging and being a "know-it-all"
It is very okay to not take things at face value. Because otherwise we become zombies in a world where every little thing needs our attention, or everything wants our attention. It is very admirable to want to know the truth. My problem however is the fact that some of these authors seem to be self-prescribed know it all. I mean, their knowledge while fallible is at best insulting in tone. They seem to think that truth is always and always will be rational. And that everything can and MUST be explained. They claim to be open minded...but it seems they are open minded to things that agree with their skewed perception on reality.

I am not naive to an extent where I think that all that looks like gold is gold. But I also know that sometimes, there are no explanations for things. And that there are happenings that cannot be explained by "reasoning".

Anyways, I realized that I was part of a blog of a couple of teens who are out there to prove something..- as to what, I don't know. Its like these teenage hormones raging, maybe rebellious hormones. But What have they got to prove? that they are ignorant to the world? and that their attempt to find truth is proving to be futile?

Okay aside from all this, I joined the group, and I did so because I thought I would learn something. (You have to make every experience a learning one). And for that short of time, I have learned. I have learned to maybe to be content that sometimes things do not make sense. And when they don't, it is not my place to prove otherwise. I learned from these young minds...I learned that if truly they do pursue the truth, in the most earnest way, maybe just maybe, they will find that truth

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A night with the ROMEOWS

Sound familiar? Romeo?...Romeos?...
well that's what I thought at first when my Friend Kevin Raman told me about a project he was working on. as it turns out, it is letters. Retired Old Men Eating Out on Wednesdays.
I have had the privilege to have sat on the first preview. It was fantastic! And I am not saying this because he happens to be a close friend....but because I was laughing, and feeling tagged to share the story of the ROMEOWS. I am a hard person to please when it comes to media. There are movies I never watch twice because as much as they are celebrated, they are rubbish. But for the first cut, I applaud Kevin.
You know when you have a friend, and you know what they do, but really have never seen their work in full...that was me on tonight. I sat there amazed at the skill that it took to put all kinds of material into a story that made sense. I happen to have paid attention in my media class to have a little appreciate on the the amount of work that went into the production of that. I mean For the work of one camera, the angles and the ability to capture the heart of moment with a slight move of a camera angle was superb. Don't let me talk about editing. It was done with such fluidity that the transition from one frame to another flowed nicely.
I know Kevin will say that there is much more work to be done, but so far so good. I am shopping for my dress now...:) I know this will be a success. Not only does the film have some soul, but it carries lessons that we could all do to learn. ( I will wait until the film is out for further review on lessons)
When you do go to see it, please make sure you either ate before, or have some plans to go out afterwards. I left the viewing with a strong urge for some Moroccan food. I take that back actually. I left the viewing with Sahara in my mind. For truly, staying faithful to their name the ROMEOWS eat!

The Samoans need a break for Once

I can't think of a group of people who have experienced much heartache that is water related that these people. YOu have to wonder, what keeps them coming back?

Click on that to get the whole story from CNN

Not bitter just observational

There is this whole idea that I might be bitter about men. (If I was, I would not be the first woman to be so- watch A Diary of a Mad Black Woman :) Why do guys think this? well because I am not giving them an easy time to get into my pants, and maybe because I can see through their BS. I do not consider myself a feminist, but I am also weary of men who play macho, and want to have the whole pie.
I observe people, and that has become a useful trait in this city that I live in.
Women who do not bend to the rules of a manly society are not shown with kindness. And sometimes termed as lesbians.

You see, men are used to getting their way. They are patient, they are cajoling, and they are really smarter than we want to give them credit for. But they are also what my father would term as Snakes! they will come quietly but their bite is deadly, if it doesn't kill you.

Women have worked so hard to counter against this, but to no gain. They are still the preys, and I imagine it will be so for a long time.

Monday, September 28, 2009


this is my new blog. This is going to be all about everything. Truly, about anything.
I find that I am very interested in a lot of things, that I have to create a blog that can be dedicated to anything and everything.
I have two other blogs, that are sorely dedicated to either politics, or HIV/AIDS in Africa and India. Therefore, I decided that I needed a blog that is dedicated to my other passions like dancing, cooking and the mere enjoyment of arts (theater, movies, film making...etc)

There is no way to describe this blog really, but when It evolves, I will have a definite answer for that