Anyways, as it is a courtesy of the dance scene, women get to ask men to dance...Yay, great liberation for women. Now women can have the guts to approach a man...great significance for women movements everywhere. However, there has been the unspoken code that generally, if women get over their comforts of being pursued and ask a guy to dance, the least that a guy can do is politely say "no" as in, I don't want to dance with you, or they can suck it up and dance with the girl (no matter how terrible they might be). Remember that these are the ladies that endured the times you were "getting out" on the dance scene and stepping your way into the world of being a good dancer. There is the other response, that entails looking at the girl and making a face, and giving excuses of "I don't want to dance today", "eh I don't feel like for this song", or the classic "I am just watching for a while". Okay, so you don't want to dance with the girl...and that is fine. but do not give some miserable bullock of excuses. Oh and my favorite, you aks a guy to dance, and he looks at you and says, "This is Bachata" which point I look at them and think " No kidding Sherlock, and here I thought I was listening to Reggae. Thank you for correcting my hearing and telling me that I am actually asking you to dance Bachata." In truth, what the guy is actually saying is, "I don't want to dance with you, so here is my perfect excuse...I don't want to dance to this song" Unless off course they mean it, in which case its okay. But if after you leave they start dancing with someone else, then the guy is actually insulting your intelligence.
Anyways, as titled, this is about women's rights....but I had to preface by that to say that, I went to ask a particular acquaintance of mine and knowing that he had been dancing before, I thought I would ask him to dance. (I am becoming much more comfortable asking guys to dance, although there as some guys I will never ask again). Anyways, he gave me one of those bullocks answers and I looked at him thinking, "does he really think that I am stupid?"I off course called out his bluff. In which case he proceeds to tell me that he can refuse to dance with me just because he can and that women are equal to men and are treated as equals in all aspects. Women, according to him, should bare all the blunts that come with wanting to be equal with men. Now, since I know the guy, I know he does not treat his "women" as equal to men....hmmmm okay.
I don't blame him for what he said, but I did not hear the beginning of whatever he said, as I started arguing on "women's rights".
Now, it is disputes that women in the West, especially in America have more rights than women in other parts of the world. But even then, not all women find this freedom. In fact if we want to be technical, the US is the only developed country that has not ratified the CEDAW (Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women).
oh, and while the ERA has been passed, it does not give women the rights that feminists strive for. Women are still underpaid. They are still expected to come at the end of the day and cook. They are the caretakers in most cases. The are in some cases expected to be domesticated.
I am sorry, but men and women are not equally treated, and they shouldn't. As they say, women are from Venus men are from Mars. As much we want to delude ourselves into thinking so...there are no equal rights whether it is gender or racial.
After all, women can dress as men without much of a thought on society's mockery while men dressing as women is a whole different can of worms.
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