Sunday, December 20, 2009

Birthday Burst

i hear that this is the one day that you are supposed to be happy, and do WHATEVER you want!
well, I gues I missed that memo. I turned )*&)* years old, and I really felt like that day passed me by. There were papers, and just about every busy thing I could do that day was not enough to keep me entertained.
You see, I discovered that on this birthday, I am absolutely not one to step on people's toes. It is something that I should probably be happy about, but that is also disturbing. I let two people ruin my birthday for me. It was my fault off course, as they had a right to celebrate their birthdays, 20 times if they wished. Now, I can throw a tantrum and say that they were selfish, but I set myself for that. I accepted to celebrate my birthday at a place that I knew there was a potential disaster looming. So I put on a happy face, smiled, and sucked it up. (It is good to be raised to do that...comes in handy)
So how selfish are we supposed to be on our birthdays?
Should we become so obsessed with it, that we can only enjoy it if it is by our terms?
I mean, it is so sad that I had to suck it up on the one day that I should have been "queen for a day" lol...okay that is pushing it a bit. But that was the one day of the year that I feel entitled a bit to sleep all day if I wanted too.
Let me end this note by say or rather clarifying that, my whole Birthday was not a burst. There were good my friend Chris taking me out for breakfast and giving me truffles. (Which is exactly what I needed after a stressful time with the papers.)
I did take myself to the spa...cost me a penny, but it was worth the trip. Relaxed, got a massage....and had a blast.
Did I mention that my friend took me to breakfast?
I have to say, I have the most fabulous friends ever. I do, and it might a bit biased, but I gues you would have to meet them.
They even had a whole trip but we were snowed in. Instead they took me to dinner and dancing. Then took me to breakfast....actually, the term we like to use is 'kidnapped". All the way to Queens for IHOP. Okay word to the Beuros, we need more IHOPs in NYC.
anyways, I loved it. and I was happy.....

Maybe it was not that my birthday sucked,. it is that the day that did not turn out to be what I had made it to be.
So there you go, we disappoint ourselves all the time. Fancy that. We make a day so big, and build it up to be something that sometimes doesn't pan out to be that.

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