Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A night with the ROMEOWS

Sound familiar? Romeo?...Romeos?...
well that's what I thought at first when my Friend Kevin Raman told me about a project he was working on. as it turns out, it is letters. Retired Old Men Eating Out on Wednesdays.
I have had the privilege to have sat on the first preview. It was fantastic! And I am not saying this because he happens to be a close friend....but because I was laughing, and feeling tagged to share the story of the ROMEOWS. I am a hard person to please when it comes to media. There are movies I never watch twice because as much as they are celebrated, they are rubbish. But for the first cut, I applaud Kevin.
You know when you have a friend, and you know what they do, but really have never seen their work in full...that was me on tonight. I sat there amazed at the skill that it took to put all kinds of material into a story that made sense. I happen to have paid attention in my media class to have a little appreciate on the the amount of work that went into the production of that. I mean For the work of one camera, the angles and the ability to capture the heart of moment with a slight move of a camera angle was superb. Don't let me talk about editing. It was done with such fluidity that the transition from one frame to another flowed nicely.
I know Kevin will say that there is much more work to be done, but so far so good. I am shopping for my dress now...:) I know this will be a success. Not only does the film have some soul, but it carries lessons that we could all do to learn. ( I will wait until the film is out for further review on lessons)
When you do go to see it, please make sure you either ate before, or have some plans to go out afterwards. I left the viewing with a strong urge for some Moroccan food. I take that back actually. I left the viewing with Sahara in my mind. For truly, staying faithful to their name the ROMEOWS eat!

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