Wednesday, November 18, 2009

THe absence of Evidence is not evidence of absence

In other words, just because you can't see it doesn't mean that its not there. This used to be the case, I would say ages and ages ago, however, lately that has changed. Science has convinced everybody that it the end of all things. Therefore, if it is not science, and you cannot prove it, then it is not true, it does not exist. Its no wonder people are getting depressed, and getting in what I would call "a state of Kappoot". Have we become so stupid? Have we become so mechanical? soon enough, we might actually become like the robots we are trying to emulate.

Look at the arguments presented against the Bible, and Christianity. Or should I say, arguments against Christianity based on the Bible. New archaeological and other types of discoveries are being made all the time that support the truth of the Bible. The phrase you quote simply means that just because we can't presently prove something from the Bible with physical evidence, it doesn't mean that such evidence does not exist, it may simply mean that we have not yet discovered it.

This term is used as a counter-argument to many who try to argue illogically that because something has not been discovered apart from its mention in the Bible it therefore is not true. This is stated in summary form as 'absence of evidence is evidence of absence.' The assumption behind this is that the Bible is a lot of 'campfire tales' and 'Mythology' and where it tells of people they are far removed from the events and so cannot know of what they speak with any accuracy.
However, there now have been many archaeological discoveries made which verify historical, lifestyle and other details from the Biblical records. The fact that these had not yet been discovered did not make the Bible any more or less true than it was before. All that can be logically concluded when there is no extra-biblical evidence yet available is that there is no extra-biblical evidence yet available on a particular subject.

We are willing to accept that things did not exist until they were discovered. I mean, the world was flat before it was round. There were no planets until scientists figure it out that they existed....maybe it is just me...but are we getting stupid?

Friday, November 13, 2009


This is the mission statement of this organization:

You were created to love and be loved. You were meant to live life in relationship with other people, to know and be known. You need to know that your story is important and that you're part of a bigger story. You need to know that your life matters.

We live in a difficult world, a broken world. My friend Byron is very smart - he says that life is hard for most people most of the time. We believe that everyone can relate to pain, that all of us live with questions, and all of us get stuck in moments. You need to know that you're not alone in the places you feel stuck.

We all wake to the human condition. We wake to mystery and beauty but also to tragedy and loss. Millions of people live with problems of pain. Millions of homes are filled with questions – moments and seasons and cycles that come as thieves and aim to stay. We know that pain is very real. It is our privilege to suggest that hope is real, and that help is real.

You need to know that rescue is possible, that freedom is possible, that God is still in the business of redemption. We're seeing it happen. We're seeing lives change as people get the help they need. People sitting across from a counselor for the first time. People stepping into treatment. In desperate moments, people calling a suicide hotline. We know that the first step to recovery is the hardest to take. We want to say here that it's worth it, that your life is worth fighting for, that it's possible to change.

I love this . I love the simplicity of it. and the fact that it offers hope and truth.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

My Lord and Savior

I woke up this morning with a full hour of worship. I was listening to Damita Haddon's song and I was reminded of why I am who I am.
I love the Lord. I do, I love him more than anything or anyone. Sure I love to dance, I love to write, I Love going out. I love to cook...I love a lot of things....but nothing has taken precedence to my Love for God.
He found me in my darkest place and rescued me. I am blessed beyond measure. Ask my siblings, they are a testimony as to what God has done in my life.
He is the secret of my joy and my happiness.
I did not find him, He found me. and I truly love him.
People can call it whatever they want, but I know that I would not make it without Him.
I am sold hook line and sinker.

I’ve fallen in love with a man
I love his character, his personality
He has swept me off my feet
I have fallen with his heart, passion
I’ve loved him all my life, but well
I didn’t know just how much I cared

I’ve fallen in love with a man
Who does not expect anything from me
A man who doesn’t want my sacrifice
A man who doesn’t need me to
Offer my body as a sign of my love
I’ve fallen in love with man
Who loves me because I am me
He doesn’t require my perfection
Even though he is perfection itself
Neither does he require my sacrificial
Abandonment, for he rather suffer than see me do so.
All he has asked of me is my love
I thought I loved him, but now
If find am passionately in love with him
I have fallen in love with a man
Who holds me when I cry many nights
He understands me and awaits me
As I ran to other men looking for love
and He awaits me as I ran back to him in tears
I am stuck on a man who is willing to accept me
And stubbornly loves me even when I reject him
he pursues me, passionately so gentle
I have fallen for a man so beautiful
He takes my breath away
With him beside me, I want it all
To be a better person, a better woman
He has given me a passion as a calling
Fight injustices and love the unloved
With Him, I have found my true calling
I have fallen in love with a man
His name is Jesus

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Reinesance and Reformation look at beauty

It is almost unimaginable to think that two periods could have such an effect on the Western Culture, but the Reformation and the Renaissance changed the culture and brought the west to a new order. While the Renaissance focussed on humanism and shaped ideas of beauty, the Reformation changed perceptions on authority, especially in the church.

Beauty in the Western Culture

Beauty is a very important aspect in the Western culture. Females will spend a chunk of time in front of mirror putting on make-up, in an attempt to look presentable. Some will go to through the trouble of changing their appearance by having surgery to have the ideal face or body. The Renaissance was the rebirth of the medieval period, where they brought back the Greek and Roman idealism. They focused on humanism where they explored mankind’s most creative, intellectual, spiritual and artistic parts. Morals degraded and they were concerned about themselves; instead of focussing on God.

One of the things that artists at that time explored was beauty. During this time, the images changed from Madonna (Mary, mother of Jesus), to Venus, the goddess of love. Painters started making humans real by using different colors and shades. While women were painted in their full figure, they were portrayed without any flows and with a certain mystery. A good example is Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci. The woman, although not a Venus, has a sense of beauty that shines through her smile. The mystery of it is there is no explanation in the painting why she seems happy and content. Another good depiction of the change of perception on beauty is The Birth of Venus by Botticelli. This was such a change from the Sistine Madonna by Raphael. The morals seemed to change where a woman’s beauty used to be a very private issue. Women seemed to be encouraged to explore their beauty. They were encouraged to explore their body and instead of hiding behind the males, make a broad statement and come out of their “shell” that had been created by the Gothic age. Nudity, which had been almost a taboo especially in the arts, became a very open issue and was portrayed in both paintings and sculptures. Obsession with physical beauty and having a certain weight is not a new idea for this culture. In paintings, physical beauty was emphasized and the ideal woman was the one with curves and could get in certain dress sizes. Nevertheless, while the media continues to influence the ideals on beauty in the Western culture, the roots are in the arts found during the renaissance.

The authority in the Reformation

Today, in most countries executive decisions are not made by one person. Even the churches have a governing body that oversees functions of certain church district. In the Western Culture, it is very hard to find centralized control, where one man is making the decisions that will effect a population of people. The Reformation played a big role on bringing about democracy. According to the authors of World history since 1500: The Age of Global Integration, “The Reformation was closely associated with the formation of powerful national states in Western Europe…” (Upshur, Terry, Holoka, Goff, Cassar, 372)

Although this was not the beginning of the strong nations, this brought on a change in the way that the power was shared. Very specifically was the change in the Church. The Roman Catholic Church was basically ruling England, since the catholic beliefs were imposed on the political life of the state. However, with the reformation came the end of papacy. Significantly, there was an apparent change when Henry broke from the Catholic Church and Elizabeth restored the Anglican Church. This allowed the Protestant reformation to flourish in England. Through this, the Council of Trent was formed, which was among the first church council to be created. Today, we see how this has changed governmental operations today. The separation of Church and state originated from here. In addition, the Protestant reformation brought on the idea of denominations, which we still have today. Now, Church councils and distribution of power is common in a churches and governments.

In the changes brought about by the Reformation and the Renaissance, we can find disadvantages and disadvantages. For example, presently we have a skewed image of beauty. What does it mean to be beautiful? Is it the make up, the perfect face, the ideal body or having the least possible amount of clothing on? However, beauty is neither covering your whole body nor being naïve about your body. Every woman needs to find their own beauty, without the influence of the media. Change is inevitable; however, we do not need to violate our morals in order to conform to society.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

My Song of the day

amally maak
We law hata ba eed any,
Fe alby hawak.

Tamally maak
tamally fe baly we fe alby
Wala bansak
Tamally waheshny,
Law hata bakoon wayak.

Tamally maak
We law hata ba eed any
Fe alby hawak.

Tamally maak
Tamally fe baly we fe alby
Wala bansak
Tamally waheshny,
Low hata bakoon wayak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally maak
Maak alby, maak rohy
Ya aghla habib
Ya aghla habib.

We mahma tekoon baeed any
Le alby areeb.
Ya omry el gai wel hader,
Ya ahla naseeb.

Tamally maak(maaaak)
Maak alby, maak omry
Ya aghla habib
Ya aghla habib

We mahma tekoon baeed any
Le alby areeb.
Ya omry el gai wel hader,
Ya ahla naseeb.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.

Tamally habibi bashta'lak
Tamally enaya tendahalak
We law hawalaya kol el koon
Bakoon ya habibi mehtaglak.


Always with me
And even when you're away from me
Your love is in my heart.

Always with me
Always on my mind and in my heart
And I never forget you
Always missing you
Even when you're with me.

Always with me
And even when you're away from me
Your love is in my heart.

Always with me
Always on my mind and in my heart
And I never forget you
Always missing you
Even when you're with me.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

Always with me
You have my heart, you have my soul
My dearest love,
My dearest love,

And no matter how far away you are
You're close to my heart,
My future, my present
My most beautiful destiny.

Always with me
You have my heart, you have my life
My dearest love,
My dearest love,

And no matter how far away you are
You're close to my heart,
My future, my present
My most beautiful destiny.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.

I always long for you, my love
My eyes always call for you, my love
And even if I'm surrounded by the whole world
I always need you, my love.